
Monday, 1 September 2014

Katie Hopkins Fat Shaming

The woman who seems to have no emotional understanding of other people is back. Katie Hopkins has become well known for her constant offensive remarks about various issues. The latest is one which I cannot ignore. So what has she done?

Well, she's put on weight purely to show people how 'easy' it is to lose it. She's be known to make comments about things like this before, she is clearly disgusted by fat people. Hopkins is set to make a tv show about her simple path back to her formerly slim body for 2015.

"My project was to prove that all the excuses for being fat are nonsense — and it is proving that."

As someone who is in recovery from an eating disorder, I feel like I am in a good position to say that losing weight is not easy. When she has to do it, I hope she realises what a struggle can be. But then again, she'll probably be able to afford a dietician and a trainer to help her through. Most of us do not get that luxury. Most people have to try and lose weight alone.

Being fat is not just about eating too much. There can be severe emotional issues behind someone's weight gain. There can also be health problems and disorders which cause someone to gain weight. Hopkins has repeatedly said how miserable putting on this weight has made her, she fails to understand how people can be fat and happy.

I have news for you Katie Hopkins - just because everyone is not your idea of a perfect weight does not mean that they should be unhappy. It does not mean that they even want to lose weight. It's possible to be overweight and healthy. Weight is no indication of health or happiness or success.

Being overweight does not mean you are lazy. Losing weight is really difficult for some people and easier for others. Do you know why? Because all our bodies are different. They work in different ways, we have different metabolisms and need different vitamins. There is no one solid way that works for people wanting to lose weight. So all this 'experiment' is going to show is that it is easy for Katie Hopkins to lose weight, no more than that.

Besides, I do not care if this woman (who is making money from being controversial) thinks that fat people must want to lose weight. Being happy with who you are is much more important than being thin just because society tells you it is more attractive.

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