
Sunday, 31 August 2014

Engage and vote

People get bored by talking about politics as well as confused. Political leaders use big words and complicated phrases and it makes it difficult for the everyday person on the street to engage with politics. So if you want to understand, if you want to know who/what you're really voting for then where do you start?

There's plenty of online quizzes which give a good indication of where your views might lie in relation to political ideologies. This was my result, for example:

Essentially, these sorts of things can show you the basics of ideals that you might like to follow. It's a good starting point to understanding politics of today.

In the UK, we have some main political parties: Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrats, UKIP, Green, BNP. They all throw around promises and crap to try and get votes. It's no wonder that a lot of people do not bother voting, they're tired of hearing false promises from white middle class men as leaders who cannot relate to the average population. It's frustrating! What can we do though? Well, we need to get people engaged with politics again. We need to help people learn about politics in a simple way. If more of us can engage then there is more of a chance for a wider variety of people to eventually get into power. Choosing not to vote is just another way of letting parties win that you do not want.

So take some time to do a little research. Use Google, use books, understand all the parties as well as you can. If you do not like any of them, then pick the one which is most aligned to your views. Do not let a lack of good choice leave you thinking you have no choice. If we continue, as a country, to not bother with voting then we will not be living in a true democracy and the government will never reflect our views. 

The situation we are in is not ideal. But we are fortunate enough to have the right to vote when a lot of people do not get that. So when the time comes, use it. And if you're really fed up with the parties then look into starting your own!

Politics might seem dull and something only for middle class men. It will continue to be this way unless more people engage and take an interest. It can change but it will take a whole lot of people to take action.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Hashtag activism

It gets put down, it's being used as an insult - hashtag activism has emerged in society. It's a way for people to use hashtags on social media in order to raise awareness for things they care about. So why is this a bad thing? Well, a lot of people seem to think that hashtag activism is a cop out because these people are not really taking proper action to change things.

Okay, I get that. But isn't raising awareness of issues an important part of activism? If people cannot or are uncomfortable taking real action for whatever reason then surely taking part in hashtags on social media is something to do, better than nothing. These can be powerful and direct. For example, #IfTheyGunnedMeDown saw people of colour post photos of themselves doing 'good' things next to photos of themselves looking like 'thugs' or in stereotypically shown ways and asking which photo the media would use if they were killed. This directly showed that the media representation of black people is biased and unfair. All it took was people tweeting and it was very powerful.

So hashtag activism is not all powerful but it does make a difference. It raises awareness of important issues in a way that social media users can connect to. It allows everyone to get involved in important issues. Of course, we want people to take action where possible but whilst social media is at the centre of so many lives, using hashtags for good is a great thing.

Miss Representation

I recently watched 'Miss Representation,' a documentary about how the media portrayal of women impacts on the limited numbers of women in positions of power. I highly recommend watching it. Although it is focused on the US, it is a reflection of the media across the globe and is informative and thought provoking.

The documentary highlights the impact of the media and capitalism on how women are viewed in the world. Media shows us that women are bodies first and that these bodies will help you achieve if and only if they meet men's ideals. Well I can tell you that is bullshit. The media constantly belittles women in power or gives them no coverage at all. We often get shown female celebrities in very little clothing but rarely get to see female CEO's or politicians without sexist comments being made about them. It needs to stop. 

'Miss Representation' touches on the lack of censorship in media. Many people, including myself, would see this as a good thing because surely less censorship = more freedom. But what about when that freedom is being used to show women as objects and is influencing how young girls view themselves. It's contributing to the rise in eating disorders and low self esteem. There needs to be limits on the media in order to protect society. The media is so powerful but with no rules, it can show whatever it wants. It has no obligation to represent groups fairly. It should have. I'm not saying censorship is the answer. I'm saying that things like airbrushing need to be stopped, media coverage needs to be just as favourable to women and people of colour as it is to white men. I don't know how this can be achieved but there are small things we can do to make a difference:

  • Stop buying tabloid magazines. Those ones which have a 'circle of shame' around 'fat' parts of women's bodies. They are fuelling the way men and women view women, they make it seem like looking good should be a priority. #NotBuyingIt to call out these outlets on their sexism.
  • Do not watch tv shows or movies which objectify women. Stop watching those films that refuse to show women as strong characters and make them constantly rely on men for everything. They are not accurate portrayals and they're boring, we've seen it all before. 
  • If you're a writer, write strong female characters into your stories. Show your readers that women are people to. They are not just props for male characters.
  • #MediaWeLike for any media outlets which are positive for and empower women.
Remember that women are powerful, we can be powerful regardless of what the media  might tell us. Women can be leaders. Women can be successful. Women can change the world. And it will not only benefit women but everyone. If women are encouraged to enter politics then government's will be more representative. If the media starts to show that women are more than their bodies, women will start to believe it too.

Monday, 25 August 2014

Quit complaining about the ice bucket challenge!

So you're probably all aware of the ALS ice bucket challenge which has gone viral. It follows the #nomakeupselfie which happened earlier this year. Essentially these things set a challenge to people in order to raise awareness of particular charities and issues and encourage people to donate where they can. But why are people complaining about it?

Some people are just fed up of the ice bucket challenge videos filling up their news feed. Others feel like there is some peer pressure involved with getting others to do challenges by linking it to charity. People sometimes just think it's stupid and achieves very little.

But these people are wrong. What we must realise is that although these viral charity challenges might seem ridiculous, they are working. They raise huge amounts for charity and huge amounts of awareness. Once nominated, rules state that you do not have to do the challenge but if not, you must donate money. I personally did not know much about ALS before this challenge went viral. Yet now I do and so do millions of others.

How can this be a bad thing? Around $50 million dollars has now been raised through the emergence of the ice bucket challenge and awareness has been raised for a serious and damaging illness. So really if you're one of those people thinking it's stupid and people are just joining in because it's a trend, well so what? Even if people are just following a trend, by doing that, they are contributing to something important and surely that can never be a bad thing. As long as people remember it is for charity, challenges like this which successfully raise huge amounts of money will hopefully continue to happen.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Saturday @ Reading Festival 2014

Dry the River

These guys have come a long way in the past few years, a great festival band with some lovely tunes. They performed to a pretty substantial crowd on the Main Stage and did a good job of it. Their music is pretty chilled and sounds a bit heavier live than recorded. They were nice to listen to and reminded me of a less annoying Mumford & Sons. They played some new songs from their new album which is set to be released tomorrow which were great so 'Alarms in the Heart' will definitely be worth a listen.

Royal Blood

I only caught about 3 songs from these guys but they were fantastic. They played to a huge crowd spilling out of the NME tent. Royal Blood definitely deserve a place on the Main Stage next year and could easily pull in a great crowd. They are just as good live as one would imagine. Songs like 'Come on Over' and 'Figure it Out' got the crowd going and the band were great.


One of my highlights of the day. I was unsure how they would be live but they blew me away! Harrison is a great front man and his outfit was amazing. They played fan favourites such as 'Bloodshake,' 'Lovesick' and 'Money.' All of which were sung along with and enjoyed. They also performed their new song set for release next month called 'Lost on Me' which is just as catchy as one might expect. Seeing them live made me really excited for what is coming next for this band.

Wolf Alice

Another highlight! I love a good front woman for a band and I think I might be in love with Ellie. She has the most mesmerising voice and is a great live performer. She reminds me a little bit of Alison Mosshart. Their sound has got a bit heavier recently and it makes for a brilliant live show. The crowd seemed to love them and were singing along to favourites like 'Bros' and 'Moaning Lisa Smile.' This band is definitely one to watch and to catch live if you can.

Foster the People

They were really boring. I understand why they were on the Main Stage, they seem to have a lot of fans. But, I was just so uninterested. I thought they would be really fun to see live but I really did not enjoy them.

Imagine Dragons

As Dan Reynolds commented during the set, Imagine Dragons were playing in tiny venues 6 years ago and now they have been on the Main Stage at one of the best festivals in the world. So how did they do? Amazingly well. They are a rock band but they have such a distinctive sound that makes them loved by so many fans. The crowd went crazy for 'Demons' and 'Radioactive' as one might expect. Imagine Dragons look set to get bigger and better.

Jake Bugg

He played a surprise set on BBC introducing in the afternoon with just his guitar and I won't lie, he just sounded a little bit whiny and I wasn't enjoying it. So when he took to the Main Stage in the evening, I didn't have high hopes. He is much better live with a band than on his own. I still like his music but he seemed to struggle to engage with the crowd at all. Musically, he was good but I understand why people find his singing voice a bit annoying. He's still very young and I think he'll eventually find his way with big crowds on big stages.

Arctic Monkeys

Phenomenal. Seriously, they were incredible. The crowd was singing and dancing along to every song. These guys continue to grow and change and still release brilliant material that the fans love. Although 'AM' is worlds apart from 'Whatever People Say I Am...' they managed to perform songs from both seamlessly and it all sounded amazing. Matt Helders really is one of the best drummers around at the moment and Alex Turner (no matter how ridiculous some people think he looks right now) knows how to write songs and perform. I am so glad that I finally got to see one of my favourite bands live and I was not disappointed!

Friday, 15 August 2014

Depression and Suicide

You've probably all heard that the world lost a great man this week as Robin Williams committed suicide. After battling with depression and anxiety for a long time, he took his own life and yes, it's tragic. This was a man who bought joy to so many lives through his comedy yet he was suffering every day. So what can we learn from this?

Well, it highlights the fact depression can affect anyone. It doesn't matter what class, race, sexuality you are. It doesn't matter what job you have or where you live. Depression is a mental illness that can creep up on anyone at any time.

Many people have commented on the selfishness of suicide. I get this, I understand that it seems selfish. But, unless you've been there, unless you have felt so hopeless that you feel death is the only way out then you cannot understand it. Robin Williams had access to a lot of help and sadly, depression still did not stop for him. So think about those people who do not have access to help. Life seems even more hopeless and pointless to them. Referring to suicide as selfish just shows the ignorance surrounding the mental illness.

Depression is serious. It is not just feeling a little sad. Imagine a day when you cannot motivate yourself to move from bed. You cannot eat or shower or move. You might be able to cry and when you start, you cannot stop. Life seems pointless. You do not enjoy anything. You hate yourself so much that it hurts. Depression gives you physical pains - headaches and nausea. It feels like there is nothing that can help. Now, imagine this happens regularly.

That's the pain of depression. Calling suicide selfish when it seems like the only way out of this misery is ignorant and unfair. 'Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem' - yes, but sometimes the problem seems permanent. It feels like it will never end. Depression does not allow for logical thinking. The sufferer contemplating suicide will not necessarily think about the family and friends they will be leaving behind.

Depression can affect anyone. Suicide is a desperate act from someone who is suffering. Respect the deceased and keep your "selfish" talk to yourself.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Here Comes The Sun...

So I haven't had time to blog as I worked almost 50 hours last week! As many of you know, as part of my internship, I was helping to organise an arts centre's annual festival. This involved heping with making decor, setting up logistics, programming, marketing among other things. It finally happened on Saturday and was a huge success! The week was stressful but I had lots of fun. It's fair to say that this internship has been amazing, I've really enjoyed it and met some brilliant people. I never want it to end.

Lots of people enjoyed the festival and I've had some great feedback from acts. Of course, there were a few small hiccups but it all got resolved. I've learnt how much I love working with volunteers. They're especially enthusiastic and passionate about what they do and work so hard. We had over 25 acts across 3 stages with incredible decor, much of which was made with a group of adults with learning disabilities.

As far as figures go, we're looking to have raised around £2500 for the arts centre which is incredible and I'm so proud to have been part of such a brilliant day.

If you're looking to check out some new music then I'd definitely recommend some of the artists we had playing: 


A band from Brighton, this band are really fun. Lyrics which remind me a little of Kate Nash's old stuff. Their energy is contagious and they are just the perfect pop style band to put you in a good mood.


A band from Oxford who are lovely guys and great musicians. They play lovely pop melodies and have great harmonies. Definitely something to check out if you like bands such as Stornoway or Villagers.

Vienna Ditto

Something really different but really fantastic! Electronica and bluesy. It's quite difficult to describe them but they are definitely worth a listen.


Beautiful lady with a beautiful voice. I could listen to her sing all day. Her music is just lovely and she has incredible stage presence.

So there we have it, the big event of my internship is over and it will all be over in a few weeks. I'm hoping to continue volunteering at the centre when it's done though. Now I have to find a real job. Also got Saturday at Reading festival coming up and The Libertines at Ally Pally. Lots of exciting/scary things to look forward to!

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Women Against Feminism don't understand feminism...

I am a feminist. Why? Because I believe in the total equality of men and women regardless of class, race or location. Most people have probably seen posts from, an array of women declaring why they believe they do need feminism today.

There have been jokes made about this blog. There have been plenty of men going on about how feminism is a bunch of bullshit. That’s bad enough. But now, women are joining in. This comes in the form of –

What occurs to me most here is that most of these women do not really appear to understand feminism or the real position of women in various societies across the globe. They seem to forget that without feminism, all women would probably have to give birth and rely on their husbands, women would not have the right to vote. The reason women have so many rights today is because of the work of feminism in the past.
For a second, let’s just look at some of the points on this tumblr and address them properly.

Equal Rights exist
Really? Governments around the world are still dominated by men which means that in many countries, the majority of power lies with men. Women are blamed for their sexual assaults because of the way they dress. Women are still expected to look and act a certain way. Men still feel some entitlement to our bodies. That does not sound like equality to me.

Helpless Victim Cult
There appears to be a lot of this talk on this particular tumblr blog. I have to disagree with the idea that feminism tries to tell women they are weak and need help. As far as I can see, feminism does the opposite. It aims to make women feel strong and use their strength in a movement to change things for all women.

Rape Culture does not exist
Okay, the very fact that there are constant cases of women being blamed for their own rape because of what they are wearing shows that rape culture does indeed exist. We do live in a world that teaches women how to avoid being raped and hands out personal attack alarms rather than teaching men about consent.

I don’t believe in promoting slut/whore behavior to be healthy. 
Seriously?! Feminism does not promote “slut/whore” behaviour. It tells women that they are allowed to have consensual sex whenever they want with whoever they wish to. It is not about telling women to sleep around. It is about giving women a choice to do so if they want to, letting them know that it is okay to have sex outside of a relationship.

Feminists are jealous of other women who receive more male attention than them
I do not even feel like I need to articulate a proper response to this. It’s just another example of how ridiculous some of these anti-feminist arguments are.

So to those who believe what this blog is saying, go away and read something. All of this seems to be purely based on their experience of feminists through tumblr. You cannot base views based on one group of feminists on one website. Yes, some women who claim to be feminists on tumblr are extreme. They do want supremacy over men. But what about the rest? It’s not the case.

Most feminists I know do not hate men as a gender. They might hate particular men. Mostly, they just want to live in a world where they can walk down the street without being cat-called. They want to know that if they do get raped, justice will be served. They want to have choices. It is true that women in the western world have more rights than in other parts of the world. This does not mean we cannot try to pave the way for change in other countries. It does not mean we cannot continue to set an example for the rest of the world. Maybe if we gain full equality, other women in other countries will see that it is possible. Surely that is a cause worth fighting for. In short, just because your life and experience of men has been good does not mean everyone else’s is! So surely it's better to try and help other women who haven't been as fortunate as you...

Feminism is not about ignoring men. It is simply about helping women. Throughout history, men have had the power. They have had the control. Most feminists do not want to get rid of men or take away their rights. They just want to have those rights for all women. We do not all hate men. We hate the way that the world works, the way that men are seen as superior a lot of the time.

Instead of ploughing through tumblr for examples of feminism, open some books, read some news articles, go to some conferences. Learn about feminism in the real world. Remember what it has achieved already. Be aware of the real aims it has. Remember that some feminists are more radical than others. There are always extremists in movements. Stop basing your views on a few people behind keyboards because they do not represent the whole movement.