
Monday 10 November 2014

Skinny shaming...?

I've heard a lot recently about the idea of 'skinny shaming' and I felt like I needed to comment. First of all, I do not think it is acceptable to shame anyone for their body type. I am all about body positivity. It is never okay to make someone feel bad about their body. That is why this is a difficult topic to approach.

When Nicki Minaj released 'Anaconda' and Meghan Trainor came out with 'All About That Bass,' skinny girls everywhere got angry. Lyrics that explicitly put down skinny women and celebrated bigger women annoyed people. I get that.

But, fat women do have a much harder time being accepted in society. I have been skinny and fat. When skinny, I was always told by friends that I looked good. When fat, I am told about diets and workout routines that I could try. Nobody stared at me when I was eating in public when I was skinny but they do now. With clear disgust. People are often explicitly and openly repulsed by a fat woman, it's not so common with a skinny woman.

So while women are shamed for their bodies all the time, fat or thin, we have to acknowledge that the discrimination is not on the same level. I wish I did not have to talk about this, I wish that we lived in a world where people looked beyond body shapes but unfortunately, that's not the case. Quite frankly, it annoys me to hear skinny women saying 'oh but we experience the disgust too!' Yes, sometimes you do however, your body type is in magazines and on movie screens all of the time and society as a whole accepts it as normal and okay. Whereas, fat women are mostly viewed in a negative way. While you, as a skinny woman, may have experienced individual cases of body shaming, fat women experience it on a much larger and deeper scale.

Fat women are rarely seen as beautiful by society so if some artists are going to bring out songs celebrating them then let them have it!

Ultimately, we all need to know and accept that body shaming is never okay. In order to do this we have to acknowledge that 'skinny shaming' and 'fat shaming' are very different things.

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