
Wednesday 30 July 2014

Dear past feminists...

There's been this whole women against feminism thing emerging online lately and it sucks. They do not seem to understand feminism. They make awful assumptions and base their views on only extreme "feminists." But worst of all, there are women who seem to forget the incredible achievements of past feminists so here is an open letter, a reminder of all that feminism has done so far.

Dear past feminists,

Thank you for giving your time and energy and power to such an important cause. Thank you for fighting for women's rights across the world.

Modern women owe you more than they might realise. Thanks to your battle, we now have a choice. Most countries supply women with contraception so that we can decide if and when to have children. There are still issues in some cultures but those of us lucky enough to have access owe you thanks. For the protests and petitions and pushing for laws to change.

Women can vote. Sure, governments can be corrupt and useless. But a hundred years ago, women did not have the ability to vote. Now, we do. I, personally, think that is amazing. Today's women must remember all you did for us to gain the vote.

Oh and we do not have to be wives and mothers now. We have options. We can go out and get jobs. We can provide for ourselves. Again, thanks to the feminists of the past from across the globe. We have access the education, to university. You'll probably be sad to hear that many women forget that this is a privilege, that 40 years ago, the world was not like this. Thanks to the battle of feminists, we can live more free lives.

Okay, so equal pay isn't quite here yet and some countries have a long way to go. Women still get blamed for their own rape, still get judged based on their appearance. There's still work to do. But, us modern feminists, are eternally grateful for the work you put in to make things better for all women. Sure the movement has some issues, just like it always has, but we will not stop talking and shouting until equality is reached.

We will not keep reminding those women who are "against" feminism that they ought to remember that without it, they would not have access to education/contraception/jobs like they do. That they need to educate themselves on issues before bitching about us. 

And yes, we're still mostly seen as man-hating, hairy lesbians but understanding is spreading and it won't stop.

Thank you.

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